Fitness To practise
Is your professional future in jeopardy? Has your university instigated fitness to practise proceedings? Read more to find out (i) what fitness to practise cases are and (ii) how our expert education department can help you today.
What is the purposes of a fitness to practise policy?
Professional bodies, such as the General Medicine Counsel (GMC) and Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), will set out requirements to ensure that members are ‘fit to practise’. In turn, university students enrolled on professional higher education courses will typically be subject to similar conditions and standards.
Fitness to practice procedures are put in place to ensure that students are fit to practise in their prospective career. Issues that can result in fitness to practise proceedings may include:
How do I defend fitness to practise allegations?
Fitness to practise proceedings can be extremely stressful. You will need to carefully review the university’s regulations, external guidance and evidence obtained by the university before providing a response.
If you have been asked to attend a hearing in front of a fitness to practise panel, it’s important to make sure that you have set down a clear written case, provided evidence to support your defense and be fully prepared to answer any questions the panel may have for you.
Can You help me?
Fitness to practise proceedings could result not only in years of hard work and fees being wasted, but could also result in you being unable to qualify into your dream profession.
Our fitness to practise specialists are here to help you at each step of the process including:
- Advising whether there has been a breach of the university’s fitness to practice rules
- Considering any evidence needed to support your defence
- Help draft a robust and evidenced response
- Preparing you for the fitness to practise hearing
- Provide representation at the fitness to practise hearing
- Appeal any harsh penalties applied
- Support your complaint to the OIA
Contact our University Fitness to Practise Advice Line today on:
- Call: 03333 44 34 84
The University Fitness to Practise Advice Line is a free service during which our university lawyers will:
- Consider the best path to success
- Explain how they can help and provide details of our services offered