About Us

At Education Legal Advice, we specialise in providing comprehensive education law services that cater to a diverse range of needs. Our commitment is to offer expert legal support and guidance to parents, students and caregivers in key areas within the educational landscape. We advocate for inclusive education and we strive to support it in every possible way.

University Disputes:

Academic Appeals: Our team is dedicated to assisting students in navigating the complex academic appeals process. We provide expert guidance and representation to help challenge unfair academic decisions and find a resolution that aligns with your best interests.

Academic Misconduct: Facing allegations of academic misconduct can be daunting, but our higher education lawyers are here to support you throughout the disciplinary proceedings. With our guidance and representation, you can ensure a fair and just process.

Disciplinary Matters: If you’re facing disciplinary actions within a higher education institution, our lawyers are here to ensure that you receive fair treatment and due process. We stand by your side to protect your rights.

Discrimination and Harassment: No student should endure discrimination or harassment within the higher education environment. Our advocacy aims to safeguard your rights and promote a safe learning environment.

Fitness to Practise: Our skilled solicitors provide specialised legal representation for fitness to practise proceedings, ensuring that your voice is heard, and your interests are defended.

Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA): Navigating the OIA process can be intricate, but with our expert advice and support, you can effectively present your case and achieve a fair outcome.

State and Private School Disputes:

Private School Disputes: Our solicitors are well-versed in resolving private school disputes and offer personalised assistance tailored to the unique challenges of such cases.

School Exclusion Appeals: If your child is facing school exclusion, we provide advice and representation for parents appealing these decisions, helping you understand the process and presenting a robust case.

School Bullying: We stand beside students, parents, and caregivers, offering comprehensive support to effectively address bullying issues in every school.

School Admissions Appeals: For parents appealing school admissions decisions, our team provides advice and representation to help present their case effectively.

Academic Misconduct: Our education solicitors also support students facing allegations of academic misconduct in various educational settings.

Special Educational Needs (SEN):

SEN Assessments and EHCPs: We understand the challenges parents face in obtaining Educational, Health, and Care Needs Assessments (EHCNA) and Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs) for their children. Our guidance and support will help you navigate the process successfully.

Challenging Local Authorities: When local authorities fail to provide adequate support for your child’s special educational needs, our experienced solicitors can help you challenge their decisions.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal: We provide representation and advocacy for parents appealing EHCP decisions to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal, ensuring that your voice is heard and your child’s needs are met.

Our team at Education Legal Advice is acutely aware of the unique challenges and importance of education law. With our dedicated solicitors’ knowledge and experience, we offer practical advice, representation and support. Our goal is to protect students’ rights, ensure fair processes and provide the necessary support for children with special educational needs.

Contact us today for a free initial consultation. Let our experts discuss your specific situation and provide guidance on how our education law services can best assist you. Together, we can navigate the complexities of education law to allow you to continue your learning.

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